Hey there,
Something different today:
I’m promoting a campaign for 3d-printed miniatures on My Minifactory. I’m not doing it by being paid or something, but because I’d like to have more stretch-goals unlocked lol. And because I started to paint the first miniature from it after months of paint-abstinence. 😀

The „Sons Of Mars“-campaign is done and designed by one of the first 3d-printing services that sprung up a few years ago: Resin Warfare.
It’s their second campaign and it is about Romans from Republican times to the late (Western) Empire.

Included are most of the famous troop-types like the Triarii, the early imperial legionaries with the famous segmentata-armor and what I especially like the later Roman-stuff, including the famous Buclearii-cavalry/bodyguards, someone as Belisarius was famous for.

Included are command-options, fighting-in-fromation options for all troop-types, Cavalry, light and heavy-infantry, ranged-infantry and some war-machines.

They are scaled to 28mm and 32mm and pre-supported in lychee and stl.
However you can also order a few of the designs directly from the website of resin warfare, if you don’t have a printer.

Here’s a comparison with some other famous brands that do Romans. The praefactus-miniature I’ve started to paint is in 28mm and ranks up very well with most of them. Please notice, that the popsicle stick I’ve glued him on for painting is slightly taller than all the other bases, but in reality they are actually a match in size even though he might look slightly taller here. I don’t own any Warlord games romans, but I know for a fact, that they are smaller. The same goes for Wargames Foundry and I think A&A as well. I also would have had a Newline Design-roman, but I think they are more famous for their 20mm miniatures, than their 28mm.

Scale-comparison popular Roman miniature brands (I’ve always wanted to do one of those scale-comparison images lol)

I also took this a opportunity to show of a few of my painted minis 🙂

The 3d-designs are monoposes, with different weapon-options and different faces (8 all in all + bearded and are pretty easily painted, as you can see), which is my preferred option.

Here’s another shot, pretty quickly taken yesterday night, without any posing or special light, so don’t be surprised, how he looks a bit different:

I’m sure those miniatures will work well for fantasy-settings as well, as there are also a few mythical things, like burning pigs for example, which I found pretty funny.

Here’s the link for the campaign: https://www.myminifactory.com/frontier/sons-of-mars-the-ultimate-roman-collection-1951

and here is the one for the physical store: https://www.resinwarfare.com/public/en/store/our-collections/sons-of-mars.php?order-by=title&sorted=ascending&page=4&show=12

I also printed a few Samurai, which I’m eager to paint next, I’d also suggest this campaign, but I think shilling one campaign is enough lol.

Your sales manager

Buy-buy-buy!!! Anthony


Thanks for reading

Anthony 😉

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